“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” – Doug Hanson

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Having a great reputation is next to godliness in the restaurant business.  You are only as good as your last meal, what you did last month does NOT matter, its what you did last last.  Especially today when a negative experience is all over the internet, instantly.  Landlords are declining leases because of bad reviews on yelp, the value of your restaurant can be greatly depreciated because of a 3.5 star rating.  

[bctt tweet=”You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” – Doug Hanson” via=”no”]


Stop talking about what you are going to do and start doing it!  Stop telling your staff what they need to do and start building the systems to ensure they do.  Stop making excuses for the issues you know you have in your restaurant and start solving problems.

Determine one weakness in your reputation and take the steps needed to correct it.  This can be related to food, service, cleanliness or your relationship with vendors and staff members.





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