Lessons for Restaurant Owners from Multi Brand Companies

Lessons for Restaurant Owners from Multi Brand Companies

Cheesecake Factory’s big shake-up is making waves, but the real takeaway for the smaller independent restaurant owner? Staying focused is the secret sauce for success. If you’re running a restaurant, here’s why going deep, not wide, matters more than ever before.

How To Increase Speed Of Service

How To Increase Speed Of Service

Our guests expectations around how quickly they are served is increasing but the solution is not so simple. Watch today’s video to see my #1 tip for clients when it comes to speeding up service so that every single customer is happy with their experience in your restaurant.

How To Do Restaurant Discounts Properly

How To Do Restaurant Discounts Properly

Many restaurant owners don’t give much thought to HOW they’re doing discounts in their restaurant but there really is a right and wrong way to handle them.

My Favorite Holiday Restaurant Promotions

My Favorite Holiday Restaurant Promotions

These are my two tried-and-true favorite holiday restaurant promotions that will bring in more guests in January when things traditionally slow down. The second one is a promotion that is very common but most people aren’t doing it the right way.

5 Things You Can Learn From The EATertainment Industry Struggles

5 Things You Can Learn From The EATertainment Industry Struggles

EATertainment or Family Entertainment Centers have historically struggled because people have thought of them as special occasion restaurants and typically an expensive night out, but if you know where to look, you can find a blueprint for how to succeed in any kind of restaurant.

Small Restaurant Tech Improvements, Big Results

Small Restaurant Tech Improvements, Big Results

Investing in technology isn’t about replacing all of your staff with robots but there are a lot of small improvements you can make in the technology you use in your restaurant that will help with your rising costs.

Sell Your Restaurant To Fix It

Sell Your Restaurant To Fix It

Most clients never want to sell after they go through the process I share in the video but even if you do, it will ensure you’ll get top dollar when you do!

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