These are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Restaurant Manager Certification.
If you still have questions, please contact us using the form below.
What is the Restaurant Manager Certification?

Quite simply: we want to help people become better managers. Our Restaurant Manager Certification (RMC) covers all aspects of being a great, highly paid restaurant manager.

What is covered in the Restaurant Manager Certification?

We will cover so much in this certification that it’s hard to list it all here. Instead, please review this page in detail where we break down each video: https://therestaurantboss.comt/programs/rmc

That being said, the main topics covered are: 

  • A Restaurant Manager’s role
  • Expectations of a Restaurant Manager
  • Building the best team possible
  • An introduction to restaurant systems and financials
  • Taking your manager role to the next level

We will take deep dives into each section, covering all aspects of the restaurant manager role so, in the end, you not only grow your career but also your checkbook!

Who should take the Restaurant Manager Certification?

We designed the Restaurant Manager Certification for the highly-motivated restaurant employee who:

  • Plans on applying for a manager position for the first time, whether you have previous restaurant experience or none at all.
  • Is brand new to the manager position or was thrown into the job.
  • Is a current manager and wants to improve their skills.
Is it right for me?

The answer is yes this is right for you if you are looking for proven tips and tricks that will help you become the type of restaurant manager you have always wanted to have or want to be. 

It is easier for me to tell you who RMC is not for…

If you are lazy, looking for instant fixes, want to complain about everything and live in the past, then RMC is not for you. If you think that treating employees like crap, yelling at your staff and just generally being a jerk is a great way to manage people, RMC is not for you. 

I think you are getting the point. RMC is not an overnight success system. Let’s be honest, those are not real. RCM is about treating others as you want to be treated, running a smooth operation, and building upon the skills you already have to become AMAZING!

How long will the certification take to complete?

You can go at your own pace, but there are roughly 3 hours of videos and then a short test to complete at the end. You might want to do it all in one shot or you might want to take a few days – it’s up to you.

Why is this priced so reasonably?

We have never made a training program that is geared specifically for the manager and employee, most of our training is designed for the owner. We wanted to create a very high-value program that anybody could afford. We want you, and everybody on your team, to go through this training without price being a concern.

Do you have options to purchase licenses for my team?

Yes, if you believe your owner would be interested in purchasing this training for you and other members of your team, please send them to this page here:

There is an option for owners to purchase additional discounted licenses for their managers.

Why should I trust you?

You don’t have to trust me, you can listen to what other users have to say: https://therestaurantboss.comt/programs/rmc/testimonial

Also, we offer a 30-Day Show Your Work Guarantee. If you do the work and don’t believe the training is worth it for any reason, just reach out to us and we will refund you.

What if the program doesn’t work?

The RMC will only work if you do the work. I am an honest person and I teach honest proven solutions. So in the interest of honesty, if you do the work, we are 100% confident you will get results. But, if you don’t do the work, you won’t succeed. The question is, are you ready to put in the work?

Can I get my money back?

We offer a 30-Day Show Your Work Guarantee

If you don’t absolutely love RMC, simply email us (within 30 days of purchase) with the documentation that you did all of the assignments and work and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked!

What if we are not in the United States?

That is fantastic, we have seen some of our best results internationally.  I am a simple person and I believe in simple solutions, even when the problem seems complex. The systems I will teach you in RMC are based on human behavior, regardless of culture. I have listened to owners tell me my systems won’t work because their employees are different. They say things are different in India, Kuwait, Germany, Australia, the UK, Canada, South America, Texas, California, Small towns, Big towns, etc. Well, in each case, I have proven them wrong. The systems we teach have been implemented all over the world and work the same all over the world.

I want to take the Restaurant Manager Certification but I want my owner to pay for it.

I understand and appreciate that you want to learn these systems, but don’t want to pay for the program yourself. In some cases, owners have listened to their employees and they write to me later letting me know it was worth it. In other cases, managers and employees have introduced me to their owners and allowed me to help them decide to make the investment.

If you have an owner that you think would not make the investment in a training like this for you, I would first ask that you honestly tell them you want to help make their restaurant more money, and then watch the video found on this page with them.

If they still are not convinced, introduce them to me via email and I will have a quick chat with them: [email protected].



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