Quick Tip #4

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When I was a kid I remember eating at the famous deli in Beverly Hills, “Nate and Al’s.”  They would alway place a bagel with a string around my neck.  I don’t remember this of course, but my parents always tell me how it would entertain me for hours.

They would enjoy their breakfast in peace, I was happy, everybody was happy.

When I operated my first full service restaurant, we didn’t take care of the kids very well.   No surprise, we didn’t get many families.  

Now as a father to a nearly two year old, my wife and I consider how well a restaurant is prepared for our son, before we go.  In fact, its more important than our meal.  Often times we decide to eat at a Chilis, Applebee’s or Red Robin, not because we love the food, but because they know how to take care of our son.

If your high chairs are dirty, broken or missing a strap…GET NEW ONES!

Make sure you have snacks for little tiny ones (cheerios, cereal, something).  Offer to warm up a bottle in your microwave (but warn the parents to check it before serving).  Give them some mashed potatoes, a little milk, whatever they need to keep their child happy.  Ensure you restrooms have changing tables, keep a few diapers in the office.  Make sure you have water cups with tight fitting lids.

Most of all, make sure your staff knows that happy kids equal happy parents and happy parents return to your restaurant.  Often times your FOH staff may not have kids yet and not be very comfortable around them, I wasn’t before I had mine. But I sure wish I knew then what I know now…

[bctt tweet=”If you keep the kids are happy, the parents will come to your restaurant!” username=”ryangromfin”]



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