Quick Tip #6

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We all know its important to have a Vision and a Mission Statement, but how many of you actually have either written down.  Even if you do, lets be honest, its sounds great to have them but at the end of the day, not that many people care.

Instead, take 10 minutes and write down your customer promise.  Write down some notes and turn them into a few sentences about what you promise to give your customers in exchange for their time & money.

Think about your…

  • Service
  • Offerings
  • Ambiance
  • Emotions
  • Community

Here are some great examples:

Geico: “15 minutes or less can save you 15% or more on car insurance.”

Coors Light: “The World’s Most Refreshing Beer”

Marriott: “Quiet luxury. Crafted experiences. Intuitive service.”

Make it measurable & make it meaningful…this is what really matters.

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Inspire others by sharing your new customer promise below!



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