Small Restaurant Tech Improvements, Big Results

Investing in technology isn’t about replacing all of your staff with robots but there are a lot of small improvements you can make in the technology you use in your restaurant that will help with your rising costs. This week’s video has some of my clients real-life examples of small things that are making a huge difference in their business.

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Running a Restaurant Isn't Hard

The #1 complaint in restaurant management is poor employee performance. If you’re not following this simple 5-step plan to train your employees, you’re never going to get the results that you want from them …ㅤㅤㅤ

Busy Is Killing Your Restaurant

Are you busy? There are things you’re doing all day, every day in your restaurant and it’s those things that are going to put you out of business. There are 4 things you can do today to battle the busy inside your restaurant …