Quick Tip #17

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Setting up Google Alerts for your name and your business name is an easy way to keep track of any publicity you’re receiving for your business.  In a nutshell, whatever words you pop into the alert, Google is going to scour the internet every day and anytime those words are used you’ll get an email giving you a link to the place it was located.

This is perfect for keeping track of anyone who has wonderful things to say about you or your restaurant and gives you the chance to reply or track those media mentions to keep in your back pocket.  It’s also great for anyone who has anything negative to say so you can address what’s happening before it becomes a problem.

Here’s how to set them up in under 30 seconds.  

Enter the word or phrase you want to track.  



If you click on “show options” it will allow you to set up how often you receive the alerts, which email address it should send the alerts to, etc.

alert 2

Action Item:

Start creating your Google Alerts here.

Please Click the Message to Tweet!

[bctt tweet=”Google alerts help you automatically track the good and bad about your restaurant.” via=”no”]



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