Quick Tip #38
Build an order guide for free using our new software BACON!
Have you had issues where you’ve run out of inventory or at the end of the month you find you just have too much?
Most problems lie with the fact that chefs or kitchen managers simply aren’t using an order guide, but instead are blind ordering – using a whiteboard or walking around the kitchen ordering what they think they’re going to need.
The other problem comes from kitchens that do use order sheets, but they’re set up incorrectly. Everything is listed under a category – dry goods, produce, dairy, meat.
In reality, we’re ordering by VENDOR and your order sheet needs to reflect this. Shelf to sheet order guides means that your paper needs to be categorized by vendor and location. Don’t create extra confusion and work by walking around your entire restaurant ordering for one vendor before moving onto the next.
When you walk into your pantry, everything on shelf 1 that would be ordered from vendor 1 appears first on your order sheet, followed by shelf 2 from that vendor, etc. Then you move onto the next location. Everything in your walk in on shelf 1 from vendor 1 appears next.
This doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, I’ve made it even easier for you to build an order guide for free using our new software BACON.
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