Quick Tip #13

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I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  Getting press for your restaurant is EASY, just do something that the press is going to want to cover.  Honestly, it’s that simple.  Begging the press to talk about you isn’t going to do anything and neither is hiring the best PR agent that money can buy.  Forget about trying to figure out the bullet-proof restaurant press release.  

Host an event.  This can be anything from a fundraiser to a competition to holding a class.  Get creative, then ring up the local news station with all the details.  

If you’re making a change to your restaurant or menu that sets you heads and shoulders above the competition, your local paper is probably interested.  Did you switch up to eco friendly operations?  Hired a well known notable chef?  Adding a cutting edge item to your menu?

Publicity stunts can pay off big time.  Domino’s created a #letsdolunch campaign on Twitter and reduced the price of their pizza based on the number of tweets they received by noon.

Host a fundraiser where the proceeds go to someone who is sick in your community or release a new menu lineup where the profits go to breast cancer in October.  


Start with the low hanging fruit – take a look at what you’re already doing and come up with one or two things that the local radio show or newspaper might be interested in.  You need to give them enough time, so look ahead in your calendar 2-3 months.  Then pick up the phone and give them enough information to them and get that free press.

Next, be sure you’re signed up for HARO (Help A Reporter Out).  You’ll receive emails each day with reporters who are looking for your expertise.  

I’d love to hear what kind of publicity you’re getting in your business.  Post a comment below and let me know what’s working for you right now.

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