Affordable Care Act for Restaurants

The affordable care act is very confusing to many people.  Especially if you are right on the cusp of needing to supply insurance to your employees or not.  Find out all the details and how the affordable care act is going to effect your restaurant in this interview with Ryan Bays from Proliant.

UPDATE: 2/12/14 – Ryan Bays just informed me that if you are in the 50-100 employee range (using the FTE-Full Time Equivalent calculation), you are NO longer subject to a penalty in 2014!

Ryan is a payroll and tax specialist and he breaks down exactly how to determine your eligibility, you penalties for not offering insurance and some great ways to get hidden savings in your restaurant through some little know tax strategies.

Click on the video below watch the affordable care act for restaurants interview now.  There is also a link to the slides from his presentation so you can follow along!


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