Are you feeling stuck? Ready to up your game? Then it’s time to experience an evolution of change. This is the premise behind Marshall Goldsmith’s book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There.” Watch my video book review to learn more.
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Last month’s book report was so popular, I’m reviewing another great book called, “What Got You Here Won’t Get you There”. I don’t usually read books, so I used Audible to listen to it at the pace that I wanted. But, I know plenty of you are readers, so here’s a link to the book on Amazon.
What I absolutely loved about this book is that it was written by a very successful executive coach. Marshall Goldsmith coaches high end, high net worth, and high power executives in big companies. When I was recommended this book I thought, “How is this going to be relevant to restaurants?” But boy was I surprised. What I learned from this book was amazing and I just loved the stories, examples and scenarios to really dig inside of yourself and be honest. He really talks about correcting behaviors that are holding you back, unless you’re not ready to be honest with yourself.
In this case he does what’s called 360 reviews where he’ll get information from everyone in the organization. So when people aren’t being honest with themselves or don’t believe that they’re suffering from this bad habit, he’ll have the proof to back that up. When I listened to the book, I really got inside myself and tried to be honest with myself – is that a behavior that I have exhibited?
The Meat & Potatoes Of The Book:
One of my favorite sections of the book is when he talks about 20 different habits that, at some point in your life, helped you get to where you are now. However, if you’re experiencing some success now those same habits could potentially, or are actually, holding you back. It’s an idea that we can only grow so much with the skills that we have today. It’s hard to get better unless you surround yourself with people who are better than you.
Part of it is about levelling up your game. In other words, whatever you did to get to your current level, it’s only going to keep you there. It’s not going to get you to where you want to go. If you want to go somewhere bigger, further, or with more success, then you’re going to have to pick up new skills or change old habits.
He goes into a lot of detail about the 20 habits that he’s seen in his coaching career that are holding people back – habits that help them get to where they are now but are not helping them get further. That’s what I love so much about the book, as you listen/read it I think you’ll experience that – if something’s been helpful to me in the past why is it not helping me now? It’s about an evolution of change that as you grow, experience, and desire more success, you’re going to have to change some of your habits, some of the people you hang around, some of your expectations and standards.
I hope get copy of “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” by Marshall Goldsmith. Have an absolutely wonderful day and I look forward to bringing you another video next week.
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