Quick Tip #12 – Take 5 minutes of your day to write down the 3 most important things that ABSOLUTELY need to happen.

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Did you know that the most productive time of your day is in the morning before you sit down to your computer or open your phone?  Truth.  

Your to do list might be a mile long, there’s usually only a handful of things that absolutely MUST happen on any particular day.  Sometimes getting those “big bads” done can make you feel more productive than getting 10 little things checked off your list.  

If you can tweak your morning routine to include this 5 minute activity, I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that you’re going to have a much better day.


Each morning before you open up your email or hop over to Facebook (y’know, just to see what’s going on with everyone else) take 5 minutes to write down the 3 things that absolutely must get done today.  

Here’s the hard part – make sure that you say no to every single distraction that happens upon you until those 3 things are done.  Don’t check your email, don’t stop to chat with a co-worker, don’t log into Facebook to wish grandma a happy birthday, and don’t take any phone calls.  

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