Quick Tip #7

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Merge your Passions into Powerful Marketing Opportunities.

In other words, you obviously have a passion for food and hospitality, but what else do you love.  Are you a musician, an artist, a golfer…There are marketing opportunities all around us, some of them are more obvious than others, but usually the “hidden” ones are the best.  They usually cost the least amount of money and offer the biggest results, but they sometimes take work.  

If you love golf, create a summer golf tournament that play 9 holes one afternoon per week than the money is given to winners back at the restaurant.  If you are an artist, sponsor local art events and invite other artist into your restaurant to discuss art, host a Painting and Pinot event, offer art classes on a slow night.

The opportunities are endless!  When I hear restaurant owners tell me they have are having a hard time filling their restaurant, the first thing I ask is what their passions are, then I tell them to get to work.  

Go out and partner with with other organizations that have the customers you want and you can relate with.  Host a fund raiser for the local schools art program, raise money for the football team or Junior Golf.  You have a voice in other communities and they are your customer, give them reasons to support your restaurant.

So get to work on your building a community creating partnerships, don’t start with things you don’t care about, then its work…start with what you love, it will be fun and your restaurant will prosper because of it.

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