“The most important ingredient in your kitchen is LOVE!”
Can you remember the taste of your dad’s famous bbq? How about mom’s amazing macaroni and cheese? Does the thought of grandma’s spaghetti sauce make your mouth water?
If you’ve watched your loved ones cook, you probably remember the smile on their face as they gathered up the ingredients, the way they tasted everything and then tinkered with the spices. I bet if you had asked them why they were so happy making food, it would have to do with the feelings they had when everyone sat down to the table and took that first bite.
Food is all about excitement, passion, and most importantly love. It doesn’t matter what kind of restaurant that you have and it doesn’t matter what recipe you’re creating. When you cook a meal for someone, it’s one of the most personal and intimate things that you could ever do. You’re putting something beautiful onto the table, providing nourishment and sustenance and you’ve done it with your own creative hands.
The easiest thing you can do is share this quote with all of your cooks and ask them who they think of when they’re cooking. Is it their mom, spouse, child?
To make the biggest impact, try creating a banner with this quote on it and have each of your cooks sign it with the name of the person they cook for. Hang it somewhere prominent in your kitchen where it will be seen every day and serve as a memory and reminder that cooking with love is always the secret (and most powerful!) ingredient.
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