$210K TO START?! How This Unsuspecting Competitor Is Luring Potential Employees Away
Labor is the biggest problem in the hospitality industry right now. Rates are higher than we ever could have imagined and you still have problems with employee performance. But your talent pool is about to get smaller.
As if finding top talent wasn’t hard enough, your potential new hires are being poached long before they ever make it to your door. When you can’t compete with $200K+ starting salaries, is there anything you can really do?
Watch this week’s video for my thoughts on how to outsmart this new competition and get you back in the game.
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Running a Restaurant Isn't Hard
The #1 complaint in restaurant management is poor employee performance. If you’re not following this simple 5-step plan to train your employees, you’re never going to get the results that you want from them …ㅤㅤㅤ
Busy Is Killing Your Restaurant
Are you busy? There are things you’re doing all day, every day in your restaurant and it’s those things that are going to put you out of business. There are 4 things you can do today to battle the busy inside your restaurant …
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