“Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.” – Jim Lovell

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Jim Lovell was the commander of the NASA Apollo 13 mission that had a critical failure when heading to the moon in 1970. They had limited power, lost heat, started running out of drinking water and had to make MacGyver like repairs because the CO2 system wasn’t working properly. I think it’s pretty fair to say that everyone involved thought it was a pretty lost cause. A week later, they landed safely back on Earth. Could any other team have pulled that off? Hard to say.

What’s that have to do with running a restaurant? Glad you asked. Be thankful for every one of your problems. If they were less difficult someone with less ability might have your job.

I’m always hearing from managers who complain about their staff – if only they’d listen to me the first time and just DO what they’re asked to do.

Well tell your manager to be careful what they wish for because if employees did everything perfect the first time, the world would not need managers.

Or what about the restaurant owners that are always complaining how hard running this business actually is.

My thoughts: Everyone in the world needs to eat, it’s a constant need. So why don’t you have even MORE competition than you already do? Because this business is damn hard. So embrace it – don’t complain about it!

Action STEP:

Find out ways you can get better at the things you’re not great at doing, thats not my favorite strategy…hire others to do that stuff. Find ways you can get even better at the things you are already great at.

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