“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers

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Will Rogers was one of America’s favorite cowboys who was also known for his witty, salt-of-the earth anecdotes and pithy quotes. This ability to speak across audiences made him memorable.

I think you will find that true of today’s quote as well. What Mr. Rogers says quite simply is even if you are heading down your right path, you must continue to put one foot in front of the other to see progress. The moment you stand still, you won’t continue to see progress. Or even worse, somebody else might just push ahead of you.

Imagine you have a great concept for a new restaurant. You start heading down the right path to making this dream a reality…you have a name, you secure a URL/social handles, you are even scouting locations and dreaming about menus. But then you stop dead on the tracks. What’s going to happen? Somebody else most likely will rent your dream space or even worse start a concept just like yours.

You have to keep moving forward, even if on the right path, to see success!

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[bctt tweet=”Even if you are heading down your right path, you must continue to put one foot in front of the other to see progress. The moment you stop moving, the progress stops. Or even worse, somebody else might just push ahead of you. https://bit.ly/2Ltzafn” via=”no”]

Action Step:

I am a list maker and use online software to help me keep track of and measure progress of tasks. It’s what helps me and my team keep moving down the right path. Find your best method of tracking progress – whether online tools, phone applications, old fashioned paper and pen, journaling, etc.



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