“All great achievements require time.” – Maya Angelou

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Today’s society is obsessed with instant gratification. Overnight delivery, information at our fingertips, credit to purchase anything your heart desires.

That’s not such a great mantra when you’re trying to create a successful restaurant. Chill. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and take one step every day toward making your dreams and goals a reality.

We’re always reading about overnight successes in every industry. What we don’t see is that the instant sensation isn’t really so instant. Chipotle may have skyrocketed to fame, but if you read their story, it took them forever to get their first 3 or 4 units. Once that happened, THEN they exploded.

Every massive growth story almost always has a story of stress, struggle and overwhelm behind it so stop measuring your success against these “overnight sensations”. Measure your success by the distance between where you were yesterday and where you are today.

Action STEP:

Revisit your goals.  Make a plan to bring them to fruition by giving yourself one small accomplishment every day.

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