Why Your Restaurant Staff Just Doesn’t Get It

Why Your Restaurant Staff Just Doesn’t Get It

If you feel like you are talking but nobody is listening, its because your staff is NOT on the same page as you. They are not as excited as you, often times they just don’t get it. The good news is, getting them on the same page with you is easier than you think.

The Role of a Restaurant Manager

The Role of a Restaurant Manager

If you ever feel like you have managers on your team that are not getting the job done for you, it likely because there is some confusion regarding the role of a restaurant manager.

5 Step Restaurant Employee Training Model

Your restaurant is only as strong as its weakest link. Often times a weak link is due to an improperly trained employee. Click the button below to watch a video about the 5 step system my clients use to strengthen their team and create excellent employees.

Affordable Care Act for Restaurants

Affordable Care Act for Restaurants

The affordable care act is very confusing to many people. Especially if you are right on the cusp of needing to supply insurance to your employees or not. Find out all the details and how the affordable care act is going to effect your restaurant

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