Quick Tip #2

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Doing something as simple as placing your french fries into portion bags can save you thousands of dollars a year in waste and over serving.  

[bctt tweet=”You could save thousands a year at your restaurant doing this one simple thing!” username=”ryangromfin”]

If your cooks are just reaching into a drawer and grabbing a hand full of fries, or worse, pouring a torn bag directly into the fryer basket, you are literally throwing money away with every order of fries you sell.  Do you bottom line, your cooks and your customers a favor by filling portion bags with your exact weight specification for an order of fries ahead of time.  When you have 5 orders of fries on pick up, just simply grab 5 bags and dump them into the fryer.  Your customers get the right amount, your costs stay in line and there is no “extra” fries just sitting in the window dying because your cooks cooked too much!

PRO TIP:  Most restaurant serve 6 oz. of frozen fries per order.  



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