Restaurant Checklist Problems

Restaurant Checklist Problems

If your restaurant checklists are assigned to everybody, then nobody will do it. Sound familiar? Here’s an easy fix! Watch now.

The Avocado Principles

The Avocado Principles

“I got everything done this week/month/year and have all the free time in the world,” said no restaurant owner ever. Why not?

How to Market a Restaurant Opening

How to Market a Restaurant Opening

Ever think about how to open a restaurant and ensure that it’s crushing it on day 1? That’s the subject of today’s video. Watch now.

Restaurant Manager Table Visits

Restaurant Manager Table Visits

Managers – are you a master at table visits? What about your servers? If not, you are missing out on a valuable gift. Learn why…

Your Vision for Your Restaurant

Your Vision for Your Restaurant

Has the crystal-clear vision you had for your restaurant become cloudy? Today’s video talks about how to get it back on track.

Create a Positive Restaurant Culture

Create a Positive Restaurant Culture

If you want to improve or establish a great culture in your restaurant, start with your standards and how you hold people accountable to those standards.

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