Easily Increase Restaurant Revenue

Easily Increase Restaurant Revenue

Weather you run a bar, pub, cafe, diner, Quick Service (QSR), family style restaurant or fine dinning, one of the easiest and fastest way to increase restaurant revenue is to use pricing that ends in $0.05 & $0.10, instead

Affordable Care Act for Restaurants

Affordable Care Act for Restaurants

The affordable care act is very confusing to many people. Especially if you are right on the cusp of needing to supply insurance to your employees or not. Find out all the details and how the affordable care act is going to effect your restaurant

Lower your Restaurant Inventory Cost without Software

Lower your Restaurant Inventory Cost without Software

Find extra cash in your restaurant! That’s right, there is CASH everywhere in your restaurant, especially the kitchen and the bar. Only you (and your employees) don’t see it as cash, you see it as inventory.

IRS Automatic Gratuity Law Changes your Restaurant Tip Policy

IRS Automatic Gratuity Law Changes your Restaurant Tip Policy

Effective January 1st. 2014, the Revenue ruling 2012-18 is dramatically effecting service charges or automatically applied tips! And from the people I spoke with, the IRS is going to be getting VERY serious about enforcing these new tipping policies!

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