When Will Restaurants Return to Normal?

When Will Restaurants Return to Normal?

When will restaurants return to normal? My short answer is: they won’t. What I do see is a very different normal in the future that is full of possibilities!

Time Management Tips: Eliminating Distractions and Avoiding Time Sucking Vampires

Time Management Tips: Eliminating Distractions and Avoiding Time Sucking Vampires

You’re focused, head down, and trying to get work done. But, there has been a constant stream of folks in and out of your office. It’s been distraction after distraction from your employees. How are you supposed to get anything done and actually run your restaurant?

Today, I am sharing a proven method for eliminating the distractions and keeping what I like to call the “Time Sucking Vampires” at bay.

Time Management Tips: The Incredible Shrinking Calendar

Time Management Tips: The Incredible Shrinking Calendar

I used to work 15-16 hour days, 7 days a week. I knew this wasn’t going to work for my family, especially as our family grew. I wanted to be able to get more done in less time, be able to go home earlier, and to take some time off to spend with my family. But there was always so much to do at the restaurant. Sound familiar? Watch this week’s video to see how I was able to shrink my calendar and get MORE work done!

Tips for the Best Way to Use Your Calendar

Tips for the Best Way to Use Your Calendar

Does using your calendar scare you? You don’t know where to start or how to keep it organized so you just say yes to everything and hope it fits in your schedule. In today’s video training, I open up my calendar and show you exactly how I set it up for maximum productivity. These tips are SOLID GOLD!

Time Management Tips: Why To-Do Lists Don’t Work

Time Management Tips: Why To-Do Lists Don’t Work

Do you feel like you are on a never-ending merry-go-round? There is never enough time in the day and your to-do list is never ending! If you answered yes, then you need to watch this week’s video!

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